Ideal provides Contract Quilting, Finished Mattress Covers, Pattern Development, and Innovative Mattress Construction Integration. Visit our website or our Mattress Design Blog for more information.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


             Ever wonder where and how designs are conceived?  Well it starts with a simplistic vision.  Remember when you were a young child lying in the grass on a summer's day looking up at the clouds and imagining what they look like ( "a car", "a lion's head", "a dragon", etc....), thus began the rudimentary vision of design at it's most primitive state. Ever listen to music and transform the sound into images in full vivid color " Plasticine People and Marshmallow Skies" and it inspires you?.   There is a skill and foresight of looking at the ordinary and finding it possesses you to envision, draw, create, or invent new ways of achieving new functional concepts that could revolutionize future trends.

This is the mantra we at Ideal follow.  We are never satisfied with the current trend and look to create the next opus to excite our industry and revitalize the way consumers perceive the future of bedding . We at Ideal not only concentrate on the visual design,  but put great thought into the functional aspect of the product.  Many companies hire marketing consultants to decide the future direction of what the consumer conceives to be the reason they purchase their product over the competitors. The problem with this is these firms only look at the current leading product and advise that this is the direction your company needs to go if you want increased market share. Their theory seems to be assimilate, join, or tweak the current trend if you want to compete on the retail floor. Why not be the leader?.  Why not create and market the product that will excite and rejuvenate consumers to thinking that your product range is revolutionary and will be the future of sleep. At Ideal we can help you with this.  We are creating new product every day, 365 days a year.  Contact us to make the impossible possible.  We are your resource for success.  Visit us for the most comprehensive idea network to put your product in echelon that it was meant to be.

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